
Writer and scriptwriter Miquel Obiols dies at the age of 79.

His destinty as a writer led him to write celebrated works such as ''El llibre dels micos'', with which he won the Josep Maria Folch i Torres award in 1972.

The philologist Pedro Cátedra joins the RAE, Real Academia Española,

(Royal Spanish Academy) with a love song dedicated to books as objects with life of their own.

Interview with Miguel Ángel de Rus

Bringing together the most select Spanish short story authors in one volume has been a project long cherished by M.A.R. Editor

Javier Moreno Luzón, Spanish National History Prize 2024

Javier Moreno Luzón, from Murcia, has been awarded the 2024 National Prize for Spanish History, for his work “El rey patriota: Alfonso XIII y la nación” (Galaxia Gutenberg), as announced by the jury that met today.

Juan Eslava Galán presents 'Historia de Roma contada para escépticos y no tan escépticos'.

Renowned historian and writer from Jaén Juan Eslava Galán has just published his most recent work entitled 'Historia de Roma contada para escépticos y no tan escépticos,'..

Review of 'La isla de la mujer dormida', by Arturo Pérez Reverte

'La isla de la mujer dormida' is a historical novel written by Spanish academic, journalist and author Arturo Pérez Reverte.

Creators will take the floor in defense of democracy in a new edition of Festival EÑE.

Between November 9 and December 1, Festival Eñe will present in Madrid and Malaga a program of more than 90 events and the involvement of nearly 150 creators

Spanish Bilingual Storytimes

Join a bilingual or Spanish storytime at Madison Public Library.

Interview with María Pérez Heredia, author of 'Pirineo Noir'

María Pérez Heredia was born in Zaragoza in 1994 and has become one of the latest literary phenoms thanks to her third novel,'Pirineo Noir,'

Review of the novel 'El niño que perdió la guerra' by Julia Navarro

'El niño que perdió la guerra' is a historical fiction written by award-winning Spanish journalist Julia Navarro.

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