Cazadores de Sombras. Los origenes 2.

Author: Cassandra Clare
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing; Tra edition
- ISBN: 978-6070710414
- Release Date: 06-19-2012


Consciente del singular poder de Tessa, El Magister sigue tras sus pasos, dispuesto a acabar con los Cazadores de Sombras. Tessa, junto al bello y autodestructivo Will y el dulce y devoto Jem, iniciará un viaje que les llevará a descubrir el secreto familiar que esconde la verdadera identidad de la chica.

Segundo título de la exitosa trilogía que precede la historia de Cazadores de sombras y nos desvela sus orígenes.


Book description

The situation at the London Institute has never been more precarious. With Mortmain and his clockwork army still threatening, the Council wants to strip Charlotte of her power and hand the running of the Enclave over to the unscrupulous and power-hungry Benedict Lightwood.

In the hope of saving Charlotte and the Institute, Will, Jem, and Tessa set out to unravel the secrets of Mortmain’s past—and discover unsettling Shadowhunter connections that hold the key not only to the enemy’s motivations, but also to the secret of Tessa’s identity. Tessa, already caught between the affections of Will and Jem, finds herself with another choice to make when she learns how the Shadowhunters helped make her a “monster.” Will she turn from them to her brother, Nate, who has been begging her to join him at Mortmain’s side? Where will her loyalties—and love—lie? Tessa alone can choose to save the Shadowhunters of London…or end them forever.

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