Mi hermano persigue dinosaurios

Author: Giacomo Mazzariol
- Children/Young
- Nube De Tinta
- ISBN: 9788416588190
- Release Date: 06-06-2006


Tienes cinco años, dos hermanas y deseas con todas tus fuerzas un hermanito para jugar a cosas de chicos. Un día tus padres te anuncian que tendrás a ese hermano y que será especial. Estás loco de alegría: especial para ti significa «superhéroe». Tras su nacimiento, poco a poco entiendes que sí, que es distinto a los demás, pero que lo de los superpoderes no acaba de ser verdad. Al final descubres las palabras «síndrome de Down», y tu entusiasmo se transforma en rechazo, incluso en vergüenza. Deberás atravesar la adolescencia para darte cuenta de que tu idea inicial no estaba tan equivocada y dejarte contagiar por la vitalidad de Giovanni hasta concluir que quizá sí es un superhéroe de verdad. Y que, en cualquier caso, es tu mejor amigo.

My Brother Chases Dinosaurs is a unique story about Down syndrome that has become a literary phenomenon in Italy. A sweet, intimate book that astounds us, moves us, and invites us to reflect. To write it, Giacomo Mazzariol didn’t need to make up anything. You are five years old, you have two sisters, and you wish with all your heart for a little brother to play boy games with. One day, your parents announce that you will be getting that brother, and that he will be special. You are crazy with joy: “special,” for you, means “superhero.” After his birth, little by little you understand that yes, he is different from others, but the part about the superpowers isn’t really true. At last you discover the words “Down syndrome,” and your enthusiasm turns into rejection, even embarrassment. You must go through adolescence to realize that your original thought wasn’t so wrong, and let yourself catch Giovanni’s vitality before realizing that maybe he is a superhero after all. And that, in any case, he’s your best friend.

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