Adivina adivinanza 20 acertijos de cara y cruz

Author: Sergio Lairla
- Children/Young
- Ediciones Rolde de Estudios Aragoneses
- ISBN: 9788487333996
- Release Date: 01-01-2007
-Reviewed by: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez

Undoubtedly, riddles stimulate the imagination of persons of all ages, but this book is special. The twenty illustrators who give artistic form to the riddles selected by Sergio Lairla delve into the psychological core of the riddles and collaborate by calling the heads or tails of the solutions, which in turn are converted by the author as erstwhile entries for a dictionary of ambiguous things. Art and literature, ludic games and social criticism, the obverse and reverse of the hidden, a carnival of suggestions: all these come into play. 

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