Elocuencias de un Tartamudo

Author: Eduardo Halfon
- Non-Fiction
- Pre-Textos
- ISBN: 9788415297666
- Release Date: 03-09-2012
-Reviewed by: Michael M Neal

This book is a compilation of anecdotes on the daily life in different geographic regions of the world.

These stories have, like any other stories, an introduction but sometimes there is not a climax followed by the final resolution.

The author tells about real life situations that are not restricted to a certain time, these are anecdotes that are relevant to the present as well as to the past. They are events that have occurred to people and the author serves as a reporter or journalist: he limits himself to writing the anecdotes that people have told, whispered, and even yelled at him.

Some stories appear trivial, small and insignificant while others are not. This does not in any way mean that they are not pleasant and enjoyable to read.

The author moves between different countries, from Guatemala and Mexico to Iowa City, Havana and La Rioja in Spain.

The events are seemingly collected in the same way that someone who is lost picks up rocks on a trail, petals from a flower, or the breadcrumbs left by Tom Thumb in the forest so he could find his way home. His goal is to reach the reader and entertain him with stories in the same way that one has fun listening to them over the radio after a good lunch at the table.

Eduardo Halfon has collected these stories from people on the street, and as such, the book is written in an impersonal style. They are others’ experiences…….. Every story has its own eloquence.


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