Aro, el guerrero lobo

Author: Augusto Rodríguez de la Rúa
- Fiction
- Nowtilus
- ISBN: 9788499677057
- Release Date: 04-15-2015


El destino del mundo se dirime en Iberia, los romanos y los cartagineses pugnan por el control del Mediterráneo. Pero el Imperio es insaciable y necesita el dominio de la península, Aro el guerrero lobo, acaudillará a los vacceos para oponerse a las todopoderosas legiones romanas. Año 210 a. C. Aro mira al futuro con optimismo: la cosecha vuelve a ser abundante por primera vez en mucho tiempo, sus rebaños son cada vez más grandes y su esposa Coriaca está a punto de parir a su primer hijo. Pero pronto reciben noticias preocupantes: los romanos, en su guerra contra los cartagineses, han desembarcado en la tierra de los ilergetas. Aro presiente que el bando vencedor no volverá a su país. Y teme que, al contrario, quieran conquistar toda la tierra que tienen por delante.Sus presagios se cumplen cuando Roma vence a Cartago y decide adueñarse de Hispania. Pasarán años antes de que se acerquen al territorio vacceo, pero finalmente los carpetanos, que viven al sur de los vacceos, les piden ayuda para defenderse de las legiones de Roma.La ambición de Coriaca, un regalo de su hermano Docio y los sueños proféticos de un anciano druida obligarán a Aro a ponerse al frente de los vacceos y acudir a la llamada de Hilerno, rey de los carpetanos. ¿Cumplirá Aro la profecía de los druidas y salvará a su pueblo?

The destiny of the world is being settled in Iberia, as Romans and Carthaginians vie for control of the Mediterranean. But the Roman State is insatiable and looks to rule the entire peninsula. Aro, the Wolf Warrior, will lead the Vaccaei against the all- powerful Roman legions. Year 210 B.C. Aro looks toward the future with optimism: the harvest has been plentiful again for the first time in a very long time, his herds are increasing, and his wife Coriaca is about the give birth to their first child. But they soon receive alarming news. The Romans, prosecuting their war against the Carthaginians, have landed in the land of the Ilergetes. Aro senses that the winning side will not return home. He fears that, to the contrary, they will want to conquer all the lands before them. His premonitions become reality when Rome vanquishes Carthage and decides to take dominion over Hispania. Years will pass before they come close to Vaccean territory, but finally the Carpetani, who live south of the Vaccaei, ask the latter for help in defending themselves from the Roman legions. Coriaca’s ambition, a gift from his brother Docio, and the prophetic dreams of a wizened Druid, force Aro to assume leadership of the Vaccaei and answer the call of Hilerno, King of the Carpetani. Will Aro fulfill the prophecy of the Druid and save his people?

About the Author

Augusto Rodríguez de la Rúa, was born in Toro (Zamora) in 1970 and graduated in Physics at the University of Salamanca. He is a humanist by vocation and a scientific by profession. He grew fond of literature in his early years. He started reading classic adventure and historical novels from the shelves of the large family library when he was still a child. His father had a degree in History and was responsible for nurturing his passion for this discipline, which coupled with his love for literature, led him to write a historical novel. In 2011, he was nominated for the first edition of the Sci-Fi Micro Tales Awards of the web for the microtale Mission Accomplished, which was published in the volume that compiles the hundred microtales that were nominated for the contest. He is currently working on other literary projects as well as working as a physicist in the field of medical industry.

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