Los Osos Berenstain oran antes de dormir

Author: Zondervan
- Children/Young
- Vida
- ISBN: 9780829763478
- Release Date: 07-21-2013


The Berenstain Bear series helps children learn how God wants them to live every day. When the Bear family practices going to church, praying, and being kind, plus remembering how much God loves them, their lives are much more joyful. In The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers. Brother Bear discovers that God answers every prayer---in his own way and time. Children will learn, along with Brother Bear, that praying isn't just for bedtime.

En Los osos Berenstain dicen sus oraciones, el Hermano Oso descubre que Dios responde todas las oraciones, pero a su propia manera y en su propio tiempo. Junto con el Hermano Oso, los niños aprenderán que la oración no es solo para la hora de acostarse.

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