Un extraño en mi cama

Author: Silvya Day
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Corporation
- ISBN: 9786070716621
- Release Date: 07-16-2013


Lady Isabel Pelham y Gerard Faulkner, marqués de Grayson, son la pareja más escandalosa de todo Londres. Tienen en común una lujuria desmedida, un gran ingenio, una provocativa reputación en entredicho y, lo más importante, ninguna intención de enamorarse el uno del otro, algo que tiraría por la borda su matrimonio de conveniencia. Por nada del mundo acabarían con esa farsa... hasta que el destino aparta a Gerard del lado de Isabel. Cuatro años más tarde, el marqués de Grayson regresa a casa. Isabel se encuentra con que el pícaro joven se ha convertido en un hombre poderoso e irresistible que está decidido a enamorarla. Sin duda, ése no es el hombre con quien se casó, pero Isabel sabe que él es el único que podría llegar a robarle el corazón. Ahora que se ha convertido en un extraño para ella, ¿confiará en él lo suficiente como para no esconderle nada?

Lady Pelham could not have designed a husband more suited to her needs. The Marquess of Grayson is a dear and enchanting friend and an unrepentant ladies’ man. Their union is solid; their hearts safe from one another. But every marriage has its surprises. They Were Together For All The Wrong Reasons…

They are London’s most scandalous couple. Isabel, Lady Pelham, and Gerard Faulkner, Marquess of Grayson, are well matched in all things… their lusty appetites, constant paramours, wicked wits, provocative reputations, and their absolute refusal ever to ruin their marriage of convenience by falling in love with one another. Isabel knows such a charming rake will never appeal to her guarded heart, nor will she sway his philandering one. It is a most agreeable sham … until a shocking turn of events sends Gerard from her side. Now, four years later, Gerard has come home to Isabel. But the carefree, boyish rogue who left has been replaced by a brooding, powerful, irresistible man who is determined to seduce his way into her affections. Gone is the devil-may-care companion who shared her friendship and nothing more, and in his place is temptation itself … a husband who desires Isabel body and soul and who will stop at nothing to win her love. No, this is not at all the man she had married. But he is the man who might finally steal her heart…

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