Los Lobos de la Frontera

Author: Rosemary Sutcliff
- Fiction
- Plataforma Editorial, S.L.
- ISBN: 9788415115540
- Release Date: 02-01-2013


A man has to face his past and his homeland’s enemies in this exciting historical novel set in 343 AD Britain. Order has been slowly deteriorating in the northern part of the Empire, beyond Hadrian’s Wall, and protection in the face of the Celtic and Pictish tribes is provided by a small, advanced but half-wild legionary unit known as the Frontier Wolves. Alexios Flavius Aquila is put in charge of this unit, knowing this is not a promotion but the end of his career. A poor decision cost him the life of half of his men, and if it weren’t for his uncle’s influence as the governor of Northern Britannia, he wouldn’t continue being a centurion or a legionary. Failure and privilege are not the best calling card for a hardened troop of veterans, so his survival depends on whether he can earn his men’s respect and become a Frontier Wolf himself. Peace at the frontier is breached by an attack by Celts, Picts, and Irish, so Alexios once again has to face the choice between fighting and retreating in order to save his Wolves from the enemy’s superiority and regain the respect of his superiors.

Britania, 343 d.C. El Muro de Antonino hace tiempo que ha caído y el orden se va deteriorando poco a poco en el extremo septentrional del Imperio, más allá del Muro de Adriano. La protección frente a las tribus celtas y pictas proviene de una pequeña unidad avanzada de legionarios medio salvajes: los Lobos de la Frontera. Alexios Flavio Aquila recibe el mando de esta unidad irregular y del puesto de Castellum, pero sabe que no se trata de una promoción, sino del final de su carrera. Una decisión errónea al abandonar un fuerte en la frontera germana del Danubio durante un ataque bárbaro, costó la vida la mita de sus hombres, y si no hubiera sido por la influencia de su tío, gobernador del norte de Britania, ya no sería centurión ni legionario. El fracaso y el privilegio no son una buena carta de presentación ante una tropa veterana y endurecida, de manera que su supervivencia dependerá de ganarse su respeto y convertirse él también en un Lobo de la Frontera.

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