El Centinela

Author: Robert Crais
- Fiction
- Roca Ediciones S.A.
- ISBN: 978-8499185217
- Release Date: 01-30-2013


Dru Rayne y su tio huyeron a Los Angeles tras el desastre causado por el huracan Katrina. Sin embargo, tras cinco anos en la ciudad, se enfrentan a un nuevo peligro. Cuando Joe Pike es testigo de como le dan una paliza al tio de Dru, les ofrece su ayuda, pero ninguno de ellos la acepta y tampoco le dan ninguna explicacion de por que hay unos misteriosos agentes del FBI siguiendoles los pasos. A medida que los niveles de violencia se hacen mayores, y el propio Pike se convierte en un objetivo, Elvis Cole y el averiguaran que Dru y su tio no son quienes parecen y que todo lo que creia saber de ella no es mas que una mentira. Una venganza, una amenaza que procede de su pasado les ha dado caza y solo Pike y Cole pueden protegerles.

The extraordinary new crime novel from the New York Times bestselling author.

Dru Rayne and her uncle fled to L.A. after Hurricane Katrina; but now, five years later, they face a different danger. When Joe Pike witnesses Dru's uncle beaten by a protection gang, he offers his help, but neither of them want it—and neither do the federal agents mysteriously watching them.

As the level of violence escalates, and Pike himself becomes a target, he and Elvis Cole learn that Dru and her uncle are not who they seem—and that everything he thought he knew about them has been a lie. A vengeful and murderous force from their past is now catching up to them… and only Pike and Cole stand in the way.

After Joe Pike saves a man's life, the man's family seems oddly resentful. Maybe because they're not who they seem to be-including the seductive Dru. But it's more than a charade-it's a trap. And Pike's already been hooked...


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