La hermana de Freud

Author: Goce Smilevski
- Fiction
- Ediciones Alfaguara
- ISBN: 978-8420413266
- Release Date: 01-02-2013


The award-winning international sensation that poses the question: Was Sigmund Freud responsible for the death of his sister in a Nazi concentration camp?

The boy in her memories who strokes her with the apple, who whispers to her the fairy tale, who gives her the knife, is her brother Sigmund.

Vienna, 1938: With the Nazis closing in, Sigmund Freud is granted an exit visa and allowed to list the names of people to take with him. He lists his doctor and maids, his dog, and his wife's sister, but not any of his own sisters. The four Freud sisters are shuttled to the Terezín concentration camp, while their brother lives out his last days in London.

Based on a true story, this searing novel gives haunting voice to Freud's sister Adolfina—“the sweetest and best of my sisters”—a gifted, sensitive woman who was spurned by her mother and never married. A witness to her brother's genius and to the cultural and artistic splendor of Vienna in the early twentieth century, she aspired to a life few women of her time could attain.

From Adolfina's closeness with her brother in childhood, to her love for a fellow student, to her time with Gustav Klimt's sister in a Vienna psychiatric hospital, to her dream of one day living in Venice and having a family, Freud's Sister imagines with astonishing insight and deep feeling the life of a woman lost to the shadows of history.


¿Fue Sigmund Freud culpable de la muerte de su hermana en un campo de concentración?

En 1938 Sigmund Freud consigue un salvoconducto para huir del régimen nazi y la posibilidad de llevar consigo a algunas personas de su entorno. Escribe una lista de dieciséis nombres, entre ellos están su perro, su cuñada, sus criadas y su médico, pero no sus hermanas. Una de ellas, Adolphine, es la protagonista de esta asombrosa novela sobre la familia Freud, el esplendor artístico y cultural de Viena a comienzos de siglo, y la controvertida época que le tocó en suerte.

«Adolphine Freud explora las creencias de su hermano con una sensibilidad hacia las debilidades humanas que a menudo falta en las obras de Sigmund… Un estudio agudo del amor y la muerte, el sexo y la traición…»


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