El diablo puede llorar

Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon
- Fiction
- Debolsillo
- ISBN: 978-8499088723
- Release Date: 10-30-2012


For millennia, the ex-god turned Dark-Hunter Sin has sought to regain his powers and take revenge on Artemis. But now he has bigger fish—or in this case, demons—to fry. The lethal gallu that were buried by his pantheon are stirring, and they are hungry for uman flesh. Their goal: To destroy mankind. Sin is the only one who can stop them…if a certain woman doesn’t kill him first.

Enemies have always made strange bedfellows, but never more so than when the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Now a man who only knows betrayal must trust the one person most likely to hand him to the demons. Artemis may have stolen his godhood, but this one has stolen his heart. The only question is: Will she keep it…or feed it to those who want him dead?

Un dios de la antigüedad, seductor, implacable y vengativo. El Cazador Oscuro más turbador e irresistible de toda la saga. Lleva un largo abrigo de cuero negro donde oculta sus antiquísimas dagas, y recorre Nueva York para dar caza a unos terribles enemigos, los gallu, que son demonios, sumerios como él. Se trata de Sin, un dios al que Artemisa desposeyó de sus poderes, y que desde tiempos inmemoriales sueña con vengarse. Ha secuestrado a Kat, una servidora de la diosa enviada para destruirlo, creyendo que era la propia Artemisa, y piensa disfrutar de su venganza.

Irrumpe una nueva e irresistible criatura de la noche, el dios Sin: impredecible, divino y con una insaciable sed de venganza. Mitología, vampirismo, maldiciones y tórridas pasiones se dan cita en esta original mezcla de novela gótica y romántica de alto voltaje.

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