Siempre demasiado y nunca suficiente

Author: Mary L. Trump
- Non-Fiction
- Ediciones Urano
- ISBN: 9788415732488
- Release Date: 08-01-2020


In this revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him, Mary L. Trump, a trained clinical psychologist and Donald’s only niece, shines a bright light on the dark history of their family in order to explain how her uncle became the man who now threatens the world’s health, economic security, and social fabric. 

Mary Trump spent much of her childhood in her grandparents’ large, imposing house in the heart of Queens, New York, where Donald and his four siblings grew up. She describes a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse. She explains how specific events and general family patterns created the damaged man who currently occupies the Oval Office, including the strange and harmful relationship between Fred Trump and his two oldest sons, Fred Jr. and Donald.

A firsthand witness to countless holiday meals and interactions, Mary brings an incisive wit and unexpected humor to sometimes grim, often confounding family events. She recounts in unsparing detail everything from her uncle Donald’s place in the family spotlight and Ivana’s penchant for regifting to her grandmother’s frequent injuries and illnesses and the appalling way Donald, Fred Trump’s favorite son, dismissed and derided him when he began to succumb to Alzheimer’s.

Numerous pundits, armchair psychologists, and journalists have sought to parse Donald J. Trump’s lethal flaws. Mary L. Trump has the education, insight, and intimate familiarity needed to reveal what makes Donald, and the rest of her clan, tick. She alone can recount this fascinating, unnerving saga, not just because of her insider’s perspective but also because she is the only Trump willing to tell the truth about one of the world’s most powerful and dysfunctional families.

Un retrato revelador sobre el presidente Donald Trump escrito por su sobrina. Mary L. Trump, psicóloga clínica e hija del hermano mayor del presidente de Estados Unidos, firma estas memorias en las que expone la oscura historia de su familia para explicar cómo su tío se convirtió en el hombre que ahora amenaza la salud, el tejido social y la seguridad económica mundial, a la vez que describe los traumas, las relaciones destructivas y cómo la trágica combinación de abandono y abusos forjaron al hombre que hoy ocupa el Despacho Oval.

Además, explica sin tapujos la extraña y nociva relación entre Fred Trump y sus dos hijos mayores, Fred Jr. y Donald. Como testigo de primera mano de innumerables comidas e interacciones familiares, Mary aporta un ingenio incisivo y un humor inesperado a los a veces sombríos y a menudo frustrantes eventos familiares. Mary narra todo con detalle, desde la posición central de su tío Donald en la familia hasta las frecuentes lesiones y enfermedades de su abuela o la terrible manera en la que Donald, el hijo predilecto de Fred Trump, lo menospreció cuando empezaba a sucumbir al Alzheimer.

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