Un cuento perfecto

Author: Elisabet Benavent
- Fiction
- Suma
- ISBN: 9788491291916
- Release Date: 06-09-2020


¿Qué sucede cuando descubres que el final de tu cuento no es como soñabas?

– Érase una vez una mujer que lo tenía todo y un chico que no tenía nada.

– Érase una vez una historia de amor entre el éxito y la duda.

– Érase una vez un cuento perfecto.

What happens when you find that an ending to a story is not as you had imagined it would be?
Once upon a time, there was a girl who had everything, and a boy who had nothing.
Once upon a time, there was a love story between success and doubt.
Once upon a time, there was a perfect short story.

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