Dios te tiene un plan

Author: Hannah Brencher
- Religion
- Editorial Diana
- ISBN: 978-6070763656
- Release Date: 02-11-2020


Necesitaba un cambio. A Hannah siempre le atrajo la idea de mudarse, conocer más personas, explorar otros ambientes. Después de romper con su novio se aventuró a un nuevo lugar y dejó atrás familia y amigos. Seguro ahí encontraría -con la compañía de Dios- lo que tanto anhelaba: éxito, fama, amor, felicidad.

La sorpresa de la novedad pasó y Hannah regresó a su rutina: sentía que algo no estaba bien, que algo faltaba, y, sin notarlo, empezó a esconder esas angustias y se inventó una imagen lejos de la realidad. Poco a poco fue cayendo en una depresión tan profunda que los días se volvieron un sufrimiento total.

Se vio obligada a buscarse a sí misma, a pedir ayuda para descubrir que no estaba sola, a privilegiar lo espiritual por encima de lo material, a comprometerse con los suyos y dejar de huir. Y lo más importante, entendió que Dios le tenía un plan, solo debía escucharlo.

«Este libro es absolutamente brillante. Lo amarás y nunca serás el mismo luego de leerlo».
ALLI WORTHINGTON, autora de Fierce Faith

Dios le tenía un plan, solo debía escucharlo.                              

From viral TED Talk speaker and founder of The World Needs More Love Letters, Hannah Brencher's 
Come Matter Here is the power read you need to start living like you mean it here and now.

Life is scary. Adulting is hard. When faced with the challenges of building a life of your own, it's all too easy to stake your hope and happiness in "someday." But what if the dotted lines on the map at your feet today mattered just as much as the destination you dream of?

Hannah Brencher, TED Talk speaker and founder of The World Needs More Love Letters, thought Atlanta was her destination. Yet even after she arrived, she found herself in the same old chase for the next best thing...somewhere else. And it left her in a state of anxiety and deep depression.

Our hyper-connected era has led us to believe life should be a highlight reel-where what matters most is perfect beauty, instant success, and ready applause. Yet, as Hannah learned, nothing about faith, relationships, or character is instant. So she took up a new mantra: be where your feet are. Give yourself a permission slip to stop chasing the next big thing, and come matter here. Engage the process as much as you trust the God who lovingly leads you.

If you are tired of running away from your life or tired of running ragged toward the next thing you think will make you feel complete, Come Matter Here will help you do whatever it takes to show up for the life God has for you. Whether you need to make a brave U-turn, take a bold step forward, or finish the next lap with fresh courage, find fuel and inspiration for the journey right here.


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