Joseph Conrad y su mundo

Author: Jessie Conrad
- Fiction
- Sexto Piso Editorial
- ISBN: 9788496867840
- Release Date: 10-01-2012


Merging the best aspects of the novel and the biography, this book reveals with utmost honesty details from Joseph Conrad’s life that only his wife Jessie was privy to. Readers will thus get to know the writer through his melancholic humor, his private reactions as a husband and literary genius, his temperament, his powerful obsession with the sea, his weaknesses, and his work methods. Jessie also describes many of the people with whom the family interacted, including friends and enemies in the literary world.

Combinando las mejores virtudes de la novela y la biografía, este libro revela con absoluta franqueza detalles de la vida de Joseph Conrad que tan sólo su esposa Jessie conocía. El lector llegará a conocer de este modo al escritor mediante su humor melancólico, sus reacciones en privado como marido y genio literario, su temperamento, su poderosa obsesión por el mar, sus debilidades y sus métodos de trabajo. Jessie además describe a muchas de las personas con quienes la familia del autor tuvo trato, incluyendo los amigos y enemigos pertenecientes al mundo literario.

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