
Author: Mariana Pérez-Duarte
- Children/Young
- B de Block
- ISBN: 9788417424947
- Release Date: 01-21-2020


Falimiario es un libro lleno de emoción, humor, realidad y poesía. Un libro para disfrutar y para pensar, cómo no, en familia.

Todas las familias se parecen… pero cada una lo es a su manera. Y en este libro están todas o casi. Existen tantas familias como formas de ser, y lo único que cuenta, al final, es el amor. Familiario es un homenaje a la diversidad y a la estima a los nuestros, sean quienes sean, sean como sean.

Family-ary is a book filled with emotions, humor, hints of reality, and poetry. It is a book to enjoy together as a family.

All families are somewhat similar…but each one is also unique in its own way. In this book you will find all types of families, at least most types.

There are as many different styles of families as there are types of people, and all that matters in the end, is love. Family-ary is a tribute to diversity and to our loved ones, whoever they are, or however they might be.

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