Mi plan de supervivencia contra la ansiedad

Author: Bridie Gallagher / Phoebe McEwen /Sue Knowles
- Non-Fiction
- Diana
- ISBN: 9786070762055
- Release Date: 11-12-2019


Se acercan los exámenes, en casa no todo está bien y mañana toca exponer en clase. Y entonces… empiezan los dolores de estómago, desaparece el hambre, el insomnio se vuelve común, el sudor en las manos aumenta, se pasa de la tristeza a la furia en segundos y todo parece estar en contra: ¿qué pasa?

En serio: ¿qué me pasa? Se llama ansiedad. ¡Y se puede controlar! Aprende a reconocer tus síntomas y a dominarlos para que no te limiten, que ese miedo a lo incierto no crezca hasta paralizarte. Te ayudamos a crear tu Plan de supervivencia contra la ansiedad para combatir esos pensamientos que te alejan de tus amigos y tu familia. Dominar los nervios y el estrés no es sencillo, ¡pero te vamos a ayudar!

Helping young people with anxiety learn to recognise and manage their symptoms, this anxiety survival guide teaches young people aged 10+ how they can overcome their biggest worries.

Showing that anxiety is a normal human emotion that many people face, this book helps young people understand the ins and outs of their own anxiety and helps them to challenge the difficult patterns they may get into. Co-written with a college student who has experienced anxiety herself, it is a relatable and straightforward guide. As well as providing tried-and-tested advice and exercises that are proven to reduce feelings of anxiety, it includes recovery stories from young people who have managed their symptoms successfully.

With practical chapters on sleep, exam stress, transitions, and seeking extra help, this is a go-to guide for any tween, teen or young person living with anxiety.


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