El placer de matar a una madre

Author: Marta López-Luaces
- Fiction
- Ediciones B
- ISBN: 9788466666206
- Release Date: 10-22-2019


Esta novela supone el gran descubrimiento para los lectores de una narradora deslumbrante, miembro de la comunidad intelectual más progresista de Nueva York.

Nuestro pasado reciente sigue escondiendo muchos momentos de oscuridad entre sus pliegues ocultos. Marta López Luaces se atreve a bucear en uno de ellos en esta novela feminista, única y valiente hasta las últimas consecuencias.

En el periodo final del franquismo, una mujer es confinada en un siniestro hospital psiquiátrico después de haber sido acusada de asesinar a su madre. A través de su mirada y de la de las mujeres con las que comparte su encierro -muchas de ellas ingresadas por sus propias familias sin más motivo que el de no encajar con el modelo femenino de la época-, López Luaces nos conduce a través de una historia que -aun difícil de creer por la crueldad que implica-, está basada en sucesos reales.

This novel unveils a dazzling new narrator, member of the most progressive intellectual community in New York.

Our recent past keeps hiding many dark moments among its hidden folds. Marta López Luaces dares to dive into the depths of one of them in this unique, brave, feminist novel.

Near the end of Francoism, a woman is confined in a sinister psychiatric hospital after having been accused of killing her mother. Through her eyes and those of the women she shares her confinement with—many of them admitted by their own families for little more than not fitting in with the feminine standard of the time—López Luaces leads us through a story that, while difficult to believe for the cruelty it entails, is based on real events.

Marta López-Luaces (A Coruña, Spain, 1964) is a poet, novelist and translator. She holds a Ph. D. in Spanish and Latin American Literatures from NYU (2000). As a novelist she published El placer de matar a una madre (Madrid: Penguin Random House, Ediciones B, 2019) and Los traductores del viento (Madrid: Vaso Roto, 2013). Los traductores del viento was awarded the International Latino Book Award 2014. She published four books of poetry and a plaquette: Distancias y destierros (1998), Las lenguas del viajero (2005) and Los arquitectos de lo imaginario (Valencia, Pre-Textos 2011), the plaquette is entitled Memorias de un vacío (2000) and Después de la oscuridad (Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2015. Los arquitectos de lo imaginario was finalist for the prestigious Ausiás March Award (2011). In 217 Tigres de Papel published Y soñábamos con pájaros volando an anthology of her poetry. Her work has been published in numerous anthologies in Latin America, Spain and the United States. A selection of her poetry work was translated into Rumanian and published under the titled Pravalirea focului (Orient-Occident, 2010). Her poetry has also been translated into Italian under the title of Accento Magico (San Marco, 2002). Translated into French a selection of her work was published in the journal étoiles déncre. Revue de femmes ern Méditerranée, 2007. The translator Gary Recz just finished translating Los arquitectos de lo imaginario into English. Selections of her poetry work have also appeared in English in the following anthologies: New Poetry from Spain (Talisman, 2012), Poetic Voices without Borders 2 (Gival Press, 2009), and Revel Road’s chapbook series (2004). Her poetry has also been published in English in Mandorla, Tamame and Literary Review. She has translated into English Robert Duncan’s Selected Works, under the title, Tensar el arco y otros poemas (Madrid: Bartleby, 2011), A Table of content by Dorothea Tanning (Madrid: Vaso Roto, 2018) and And For Example by Ann Lauterbach. She along, along with Johnny Lorenz and Edwin Lamboy have translated and published, and showcased the work of new generation poets in New Poetry from Spain: An Anthology (New Jersey: Talisman House, 2012). Marta López Luaces is also an active New York City poet, novelist, and translator engaged in promoting the encounter between English and Spanish-language writing in the United States through a bilingual poetry series she curates at the New York Public Library, Tompkins Square. 


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