De la tierra al cielo

Author: Elena Poniatowska
- Fiction
- Seix Barral
- ISBN: 9786070759024
- Release Date: 07-12-2019


"Since the oldest night of prehistory, human beings identify themselves with a space on earth that they call home." This is how the author, using her exceptional prose and unique style, begins to weave the prodigious relationship between men and architecture, the vital correspondence between dreams and needs, the attachment to nature and its constant transformation.

Through talks, memories and anecdotes From Earth to Heaven recreates the particular artistic vision of each of the architects who have managed to redefine the shapes and spaces in Mexico: Luis Barragán, architect of the essential; Teodoro González de León, poet of concrete; Andrés Casillas, lover of freedom; Diego Villaseñor, artist of the sea; and Francisco Martín del Campo, dynamic and daring.

Elena Poniatowska, deserving of the Cervantes Prize in 2013, elaborates an intimate and endearing testimony of the protagonists who have forged a new architectural language for Mexico.

Elena Poniatowska, deserving of the Cervantes Prize in 2013, elaborates an intimate and endearing testimony of the protagonists who have forged a new architectural language for Mexico.

Desde la noche m s antigua de la prehistoria, los seres humanos se identifican con un espacio sobre la tierra al que llaman casa . As es como la autora, vali ndose de su excepcional prosa y estilo nico, comienza a entretejer la prodigiosa relaci n entre el hombre y la arquitectura, la vital correspondencia entre los sue os y las necesidades, el apego a la naturaleza y su constante transformaci n. A trav s de charlas, recuerdos y an cdotas De La tierra al cielo recrea la particular visi n art stica de cada uno de los arquitectos que han logrado redefinir las formas y los espacios en M xico: Luis Barrag n, arquitecto de lo esencial;

Teodoro Gonz lez de Le n, poeta del concreto; Andr s Casillas, amante de la libertad; Diego Villase or, artista del mar; y Francisco Mart n del Campo, din mico y atrevido. Elena Poniatowska, merecedora del Premio Cervantes en 2013, elabora un testimonio ntimo y entra able de los protagonistas que han forjado un nuevo lenguaje arquitect nico para México.

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