El Cuerpo sutil

Author: Cyndi Dale
- Non-Fiction
- Sirio, Editorial S.A.
- ISBN: 9788478088201
- Release Date: 10-30-2012


Te damos la bienvenida a la primera enciclopedia de anatomía energética humana, un libro de referencia que no puede faltar en ninguna biblioteca de salud o sanación. Este volumen suministra un rico compendio de términos, ilustraciones y detalles sobre la biología energética y su relación con nuestro ser físico. El Cuerpo sutil es la más completa guía ilustrada de las energías invisibles del espíritu, de la mente y de la conciencia, las cuales repercuten en todos y cada uno de los aspectos de nuestro bienestar.

All healers are "energetic" healers, whether they know it or not. Because every health issue has a physical and an energetic component, even a simple physical treatment like bandaging a cut also impacts the body's spiritual, mental, and emotional welfare. The Subtle Body is a comprehensive encyclopedia devoted to the critical world of our invisible anatomy, where so much of healing actually occurs. Compiled by intuitive healer and scholar Cyndi Dale, this 500-page full color illustrated reference book covers: What is the "subtle body"? New scientific understanding of our quantum-state existence and the unseen fields that determine our physical condition; True integrative care: how combining Eastern energetic modalities with Western scientific rigor yields optimum results; The meridians, fields, and chakras: detailed information and diagrams about the role of these energetic structures in our overall health; Energy-based therapy principles from the world's healing traditions including Ayurveda, Qigong, Reiki, Quabalah, and many more.


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