La gran mentira

Author: Karen Kleveland
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Co.
- ISBN: 9786070758805
- Release Date: 08-13-2019


Entras en la habitación de tu hijo. El caos habitual. Recoges restos de comida, ropa desperdigada, abres el armario para ponerlo todo en su sitio... y lo ves. Y entonces te das cuenta de una horrible verdad: tu propio hijo puede ser un peligro. Stephanie Maddox dirige el departamento de Asuntos Internos del FBI, donde supervisa que todos sus compañeros cumplan las reglas. Llegar hasta aquí le ha costado casi dos décadas de trabajo duro y sacrificios personales, como la relación con su hijo adolescente, Zachary, que espera con nervios su admisión a la universidad.

Como madre soltera, Steph se perdió muchos eventos escolares, cumpleaños y vacaciones, pero la verdad es que movería cielo y la tierra por él, incluso lo protegería de un terrible secreto de su propio pasado.

Nunca se pudo imaginar que Zachary guardaría sus propios secretos. Una madre. Un hijo. Una terrible sospecha. Vuelve la autora de Toda la verdad. Más de 50 mil ejemplares en castellano.

A woman must confront her sense of right and wrong when the one person she loves most is accused of an unimaginable crime. From the New York Times bestselling author of Need to Know. . . . 

A strange sensation runs through me, a feeling that I don't know this person in front of me, even though he matters more to me than anyone ever has.
Stephanie Maddox works her dream job policing power and exposing corruption within the FBI. Getting here has taken her nearly two decades of hard work, laser focus, and personal sacrifices -the most important, she fears, being a close relationship with her teenage son, Zachary. A single parent, Steph's missed a lot of school events, birthdays, and vacations with her boy- but the truth is, she would move heaven and earth for him, including protecting him from an explosive secret in her past. It just never occurred to her that Zachary would keep secrets of his own.

One day while straightening her son's room, Steph is shaken to discover a gun hidden in his closet. A loaded gun. Then comes a knock at her front door -a colleague on the domestic terrorism squad, who utters three devastating words: "It's about Zachary."

So begins a compulsively readable thriller of deception and betrayal, as Stephanie fights to clear her son's name, only to expose a shadowy conspiracy that threatens to destroy them both -and bring a country to its knees. Packed with shocking twists and intense family drama, Keep You Close is an electrifying exploration of the shattering consequences of the love that binds -and sometimes blinds- a mother and her child.


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