Cantar de ciegos

Author: Carlos Fuentes
- Fiction
- Punto de Lectura
- ISBN: 978-9708120593
- Release Date: 09-25-2012


Siete cuentos donde los personajes encuentran situaciones insolitas que incluyen incesto, encuentros sobrenaturales, amores secretos e insospechados y adulterio en familia. Incluye obras clasicas que incluso han sido llevadas al cine, como ''Muneca reina'' y ''Un alma pura.''

The characters in these seven short stories find themselves facing unusual situations: incest, alien encounters, secret and unforeseen affairs, and adultery. With Cantar de ciegos Fuentes reasserted his place as a key player in the Latin American Boom and as an excellent short-story writer. The stories are samples, dissected tissue on acid, proof of a decadent provincialism and of the various forms of disintegration of mankind in Mexico City. Includes La muñeca reina and Un alma pura, which have been adapted to the big screen.


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