Querido Evan Hansen

Author: Val Emmich
- Fiction
- Ediciones Destino
- ISBN: 9786070759383
- Release Date: 07-09-2019


Evan Hansen creía varias cosas: Que jamás superaría sus ataques de ansiedad. Que a nadie le importarían sus problemas. Que nunca lograría conectar con alguien. Que siempre se sentiría vacío, excluido y decepcionado. Que a la gente solo le importa aparentar en las redes sociales. Se equivocaba en todas.

Todo empezó con una carta que salió del corazón y cayó en manos erróneas... para acabar en una auténtica revolución por un mundo más amable. Ahora, Evan tiene la oportunidad más importante de su vida: no solo de ser reconocido, sino de decir lo que importa, crear vínculos, dejar huella... e incluso entender ese curioso fenómeno llamado amor. Una historiainspiradora que se ha convertido en un fenómeno internacional.

Today's going to be an amazing day and here's why...

When a letter that was never meant to be seen by anyone draws high school senior Evan Hansen into a family's grief over the loss of their son, he is given the chance of a lifetime: to belong. He just has to stick to a lie he never meant to tell, that the notoriously troubled Connor Murphy was his secret best friend.

Suddenly, Evan isn't invisible anymore--even to the girl of his dreams. And Connor Murphy's parents, with their beautiful home on the other side of town, have taken him in like he was their own, desperate to know more about their enigmatic son from his closest friend. As Evan gets pulled deeper into their swirl of anger, regret, and confusion, he knows that what he's doing can't be right, but if he's helping people, how wrong can it be? 

No longer tangled in his once-incapacitating anxiety, this new Evan has a purpose. And a website. He's confident. He's a viral phenomenon. Every day is amazing. Until everything is in danger of unraveling and he comes face to face with his greatest obstacle: himself.

A simple lie leads to complicated truths in this big-hearted coming-of-age story of grief, authenticity and the struggle to belong in an age of instant connectivity and profound isolation.

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