El Feo

Author: Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez
- Fiction
- Diamante
- ISBN: 9786079789732
- Release Date: 03-30-2019


People treat you based on your appearance. We all want to be treated better, but the external image that we reflect comes from within. Today we speak about holistic but few people accomplished the task as Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez; an intense life story, self-help material and spirituality. A book about self-esteem, self-knowledge and self-growth that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

This book should be a mandatory reading and analysis in schools for all teens as it leaves a great message. A highly recommended read.

Como te ven te tratan, y todos deseamos ser mejor tratados, pero la imagen exterior que reflejamos proviene del interior. Nuestra personalidad es producto de creencias y expectativas; para mejorarla, es preciso trabajar con los pensamientos. Este libro aborda tres grandes temas: auto-concepto (lo que creemos de nosotros mismos), AUTO-CUIDADO (como arreglar nuestra imagen pública) y AUTO-SUSTENTO (cómo crear hábitos de personalidad magnética a largo plazo).

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