Déjate en paz. Y empieza a vivir

Author: Fabrice Midal
- Non-Fiction
- Zenith
- ISBN: 978-8449334085
- Release Date: 04-09-2019


Be calm... Stop stressing... Embrace the universe... Try yoga... Be fulfilled... and that's an order! We're overwhelmed with these sorts of commands, and we often torture ourselves to "try harder," yet somehow we never feel we've done quite enough. It's about time we stop pushing ourselves to do what we think we're supposed to do, and instead simply allow ourselves to be angry, be tired, be silly, be passionate--to stop giving a shit, and just be.

An international bestseller (now in English for the first time), The French Art of Not Giving a Sh*t by Fabrice Midal explains why the key to true mindfulness is freeing ourselves from social and often self-imposed stresses--and highlights how we can embrace life more fully by giving ourselves a break. He gives readers permission to:

Stop obeying -- you are intelligent
Stop being calm -- be at peace
Stop wanting to be perfect -- accept life's storms
Stop rationalizing -- let things be
Stop comparing -- be you
Stop being ashamed -- be vulnerable
Stop tormenting yourself -- become your own best friend
Stop wanting to love -- be benevolent

«Meditar, en el fondo, es simplemente el hecho de estar. El hecho de parar, de concederse una
pausa, de dejar de correr para estar en uno mismo, para anclarse en el propio cuerpo. Es una escuela de vida.» Fabrice Midal. En Déjate en paz descubriremos que la clave del mindfulness reside en librarse de las presiones que a menudo nos autoimponemos: podemos decir que no sin sentir remordimientos, podemos dejar de hacer aquello que no nos satisface. Podemos darnos un respiro, meditar, y dejar espacio a todo lo que nos hace bien. Un manual de vida, una llamada a descargar nuestra mochila y a deshacernos de exigencias propias y ajenas de la mano de Fabrice Midal, introductor del mindfulness en Francia y fundador de l'École Occidentale de Méditation. 

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