Hablando con los muertos

Author: Harry Bingham
- Fiction
- Ediciones B
- ISBN: 9788466651356
- Release Date: 08-30-2012


Durante el ultimo siglo los inventores han estado inspirados por los mismos espiritus para crear lineas telefonicas, videos, radios y computadoras, para tratar en tiempo real la comunicacion mutua con los muertos y con otras entidades. Esta novela explora la rica historia y las personalidades detras de las comunicaciones espirituales, entrelazando la espiritualidad, la metafisica, la ciencia y la tecnologia. Se examina la idea de que la nueva tecnologia se puede conectar a la sabiduria antigua y universal de la ""musica de las esferas""; que el contacto con los reinos espirituales puede hacerse a traves de las vibraciones del sonido.

Throughout history, people have sought ways to contact the dead and spirits. Such experiences challenge beliefs and often set people on a path of deeper exploration, looking for validation, and ways to have controlled, direct contact. Do spirit communication devices really work? What are the prospects of someday being able to pick up a cell phone or sit in front of a webcam and talk to the Other Side? While the proof of contact is still elusive, there is an abundance of tantalizing evidence and experience to inspire people. For the past century, inventors have been inspired by the spirits themselves to create telephone, video, radio, and computers to attempt real-time, two-way communication with the dead and other entities. Talking to the Dead explores the colorful history and personalities behind spirit communications, weaving together spirituality, metaphysics, science, and technology. It examines the idea that new technology can connect to the ancient and universal wisdom of the music of the spheres; that contact with the spirit realms can be made through the vibrations of sound.



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