Historia de un pecado

Author: Leonora Christina Skov
- Fiction
- Ediciones B; Tra edition
- ISBN: 978-8402421272
- Release Date: 08-30-2012


Nella y Agnes vuelven a la casa de la infancia de Nella de la que esta huyo con 18 anos. La madre de Nella murio cinco anos atras y las chicas ahora vuelven para ordenar los papeles de la madre y preparar la venta de la casa. Un dia encuentran los diarios de la antigua sirvienta de la casa y ninera de Nella, y cuando empiezan a leer se abre delante de ellos todo un mundo de secretos de la familia de los que Nella no sabia nada o bien solo intuia algo.

Nella and Agnes return to the childhood home of Nella from whom she fled when she was 18. Nella's mother died five years ago and the girls are now back to sort the roles of their mother and prepare the sale of the house. One day they find the diary of the old maid of the house, Nellas nanny, and when they begin to read opens up a world of family secrets that Nella knew nothing or just sensed something.



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