Las dos muertes de Mozart

Author: Joseph Gelinek
- Fiction
- Plaza & Janés
- ISBN: 9788401353413
- Release Date: 07-31-2018


Joseph Gelinek regresa con su thriller histórico más ambicioso hasta el momento en torno a una de las figuras más importantes e influyentes de la historia de la música: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Italia, en la actualidad. Un cadáver en descomposición aparece en un hotel de la Toscana. El forense dictamina que ha sido envenenado con una pócima llamada acqua toffana, un poderoso veneno destilado en el siglo XVIII.

Ajena a estos hechos, Teresa Salieri, la única descendiente viva del compositor Antonio Salieri, lucha por limpiar el nombre de su antepasado con la ayuda de Laura, su joven ayudante. Según la tradición popular, Salieri envenenó a Mozart consumido por la envidia.

Joseph Gelinek is back with his most ambitious musical thriller to date, which centers around one of the most important and influential figures in the history of music. Italy, modern day. A decomposing cadaver appears in a hotel room in Legnano. The medical examiner determines that he has been poisoned with a concoction called aqua tofana, a powerful poison distilled in the 18th century. Vienna, 18th century. Sixteen-year-old Salieri joins the emperor’s musical group, while Leopoldo Mozart, father of the famous composer, arrives in the city with his sons to show them off to the court. The clashes between Leopoldo and any who might overshadow his son, starting with Salieri, begin to get worse until Mozart falls ill. Everything indicates he has been poisoned with aqua tofana, but who has poisoned the young genius? 

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