El extraño del bosque

Author: Michael Finkel
- Non-Fiction
- Malpaso Editorial
- ISBN: 9788415070825
- Release Date: 05-01-2018


In 1986, young Christopher Knight left his home in Massachusetts for the woods. He lived in isolation for 30 years, with no human interaction, until he was arrested for stealing food. Surviving due to his resourcefulness and bravery, he developed a set of ingenious methods for storing food and water and staying warm. Based on a series of interviews he held with Knight, Michael Finkel offers a detailed account of the why’s and how’s of this unusual life choice, as well as the challenges Knight faced upon returning to life in society.

Una fascinante historia de supervivencia, que plantea preguntas fundamentales sobre la soledad, la comunidad y la vida. Un retrato de un joven decidido a vivir la vida a su manera. En 1986, el joven Christopher Knight abandonó su casa de Massachussetts para internarse en un bosque. Durante treinta años vivió aislado, sin interactuar con ningún otro ser humano, hasta que lo arrestaron por robar comida.

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