Morí Por La Belleza

Author: Emily Dickson
- Poetry / Essay
- Literatura Random House
- ISBN: Emily Dickson
- Release Date: 01-30-2018


Morí por la belleza / I Died for Beauty . 60 Poems by Emily Dickinson, from the Portable Poetry Collection / Colección Poesía Portatil, is a selection of poems by Emily Dickinson that allows us to delve into the longings that the poet enclosed in her verse. Texts devoid of adornment and rules that speak of women, of illness, of death, and of what awaits us afterward. Emily Dickinson is, without a doubt, one of the most enigmatic scholars in the history of literature: a woman who died at the age of fifty-five, unknown and after publishing only seven poems. In reality, she had written almost two thousand, and it was her sister who found them in a drawer, scribbled on pieces of paper or carefully bound in notebooks. Dickinson lived the last years of her life without leaving her house, shut away in a dark solitude that she captured in each verse. 

Mori por la belleza, de la coleccion Poesia portatil, es una seleccion de poemas de Emily Dickinson que nos permite adentrarnos en los anhelos que la autora encerro en sus versos. Textos desprovistos de adornos y reglas que hablan de la mujer, de la enfermedad, de la muerte y de lo que nos espera despues. Emily Dickinson es sin duda una de las eruditas mas enigmaticas de la historia de la literatura, una mujer que murio a los cincuenta y cinco anos siendo una desconocida y habiendo publicado solo siete poemas. En realidad habia escrito casi dos mil y fue su hermana quien los encontro en un cajon, garabateados en pedazos de papel o cuidadosamente cosidos en cuadernillos.

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