Cuando viví contigo

Author: Alicia Juárez,? Gabriela Torres
- Non-Fiction
- Grijalbo
- ISBN: 9786073158015
- Release Date: 01-30-2018


José Alfredo Jiménez’s last few years were overwhelmingly intense. Besides being the most successful time in his career as a composer and performer, they were also the years he lived with Alicia Juárez. Immortal songs that affected the whole world sprang forth with the freedom of a river, of the wind, of a heart that finds and decides to stay with the emblematic woman during this fragment of breath. Beauty isn’t composed of just one color and it doesn’t come easily. José Alfredo and Alicia live in a paradox: the fortune of reaching the pinnacle of fulfillment and pleasure, as well as the vertigo of falling into the dark, cruel abyss of extreme emotions. A life taken to its maximum limits, to enjoyment of simply existing, of singing, of taking the microphone and broadcasting their voices and words to the masses. 

Canciones inmortales que impactaron al mundo surgieron con la libertad de un río, del viento, del corazón que encuentra y decide quedarse con La Escuincla, la mujer emblemática durante este fragmento de aliento. La belleza no se tiñe de un solo color ni se arma fácilmente. José Alfredo y Alicia viven una paradoja: tanto la dicha de alcanzar la cima de la plenitud y el gozo, como el vértigo de caer al oscuro y cruel abismo de los sentimientos al límite. Una vida llevada a sus máximos alcances, al disfrute por el mismo hecho de existir, de cantar, de tomar el micrófono y esparcir su voz y sus palabras en infinidad de personas.

Cuando viví contigo es la voz y la memoria de Alicia Juárez que hoy, por fin, salen a la luz.


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