Rejuvenece en la cocina

Author: Samar Yorde
- Non-Fiction
- Aguilar
- ISBN: 9781945540400
- Release Date: 10-31-2017


Si tu meta es mantenerte joven, lograr un peso saludable, alejar las enfermedades o tener energía... recuerda que todo comienza con los alimentos que consumes. Empieza a vivir cada día haciendo lo correcto, lo que es saludable para tu cuerpo y justo para ti. Hoy puedes dar el primer paso que te llevará al cuerpo y a la vida que siempre soñaste tener. En Rejuvenece en la cocina, Samar Yorde te enseña recetas deliciosas, te lleva de compras y te da consejos prácticos para sentirte como nunca antes y recuperar tu energía vital. Con una alimentación adecuada...

With natural cooking as a philosophy, Samar invites us to celebrate life and in Rejuvenate Yourself in the Kitchen, she discusses topics like: Food: your best medicine or your worst poison. Everything you need to know to eat healthfully, with a simple explanation about what happens to foods when they enter the body and how it gets rid of toxins. The secret formula to live longer and better. Get to know antioxidants, your allies for gaining energy, health, and life. Also, discover why fruits and vegetables are the fountain of youth. Lose weight, not joy. Samar proposes a dietary model that is balanced and healthy, with suggested portions for the most common foods. The supermarket … the healthy pharmacy! Excellent advice to keep in mind when going to the supermarket. And more than 100 healthy recipes, from basic preparations, smoothies, vegetables and healthy sauces, to energypacked breakfasts, balanced lunches, snacks for keeping up your energy, light dinners, and guilt-free desserts! Rejuvenece en la cocina Recetas para ganar salud, alegría y vitalidad Rejuvenate Yourself in the Kitchen: Recipes for Generating Health, Joy, and Vitality “You are what you eat. Live your life 

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