Topito terremoto

Author: Anna Llenas
- Children/Young
- Beascoa
- ISBN: 9788448847906
- Release Date: 08-08-2008


Anna Llenas, who has been a leader in bringing light to emotional intelligence, presents this wonderful children’s book. This is a lovely story about hyperactivity and how to learn to channel this tiresome yet radiant energy without prejudice and based on love, so that little ones can feel good about themselves. 

When Little Mole wakes up, all calmness is gone! He goes up and down touching everything in sight. He gets distracted; loses everything. He does not stay still for one minute. He is told that he is aloof, naughty, impulsive, clumsy, bad, hyperactive, rude… His parents are overwhelmed and worried. His teacher is desperate. And to top it off, he has an end-of-year school project to do.

Cuando Topito se despierta... ¡se acaba la calma! Arriba y abajo, lo toca todo. Se distrae. Pierde las cosas. No para quieto ni un segundo. Le dicen que es: inquieto, hiperactivo, nervioso, pesado, impulsivo… Sus padres están preocupados. Sus profes, desesperados. Y ahora, además, tiene que presentar un trabajo de fin de curso...

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