Jerónimo Tristante wins the Ateneo Prize with “Nunca es tarde” (It’s Never Too Late)

“The creator of the famous Víctor Ros has written a noir novel set in the Pyrenees. The writer Jerónimo Tristante (Murcia, 1969) lists Aragon’s Pyrenees among his favourite places. Could a sordid crime story be hidden within this idyllic landscape?.

Nunca es tarde (It’s Never Too Late) tells this story, for which the creator of the famous nineteenth century detective Victor Ros has been awarded the XXII Ateneo Prize for Fiction.

The Murcian writer found out the results of the prize, awarded with 24,000 euros, during a literary dinner that took place in the Royal Palaces of Seville, where the winner of the Young Ateneo Prize was also announced. Tania Padilla (Cordoba, 1985) won with her novel La torre invertida (The Inverted Tower), set in a disquieting and symbolic Lisbon where a young Pessoa appears.

(…) The jury was composed by Alberto Máximo Pérez Calero, as a president, Ramón Pernas, Miguel Ángel Matellanes, Francisco Prior, Miguel Cruz Giráldez yand Luis del Val.

The Spanish publishing house Algaida Editores is going to publish both novels next October.”

The Spanish Bookstage 

Read more: ABC, June 22nd

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