Juan Goytisolo left Carmen Balcells a manuscript to be published after his death

Sources at the literary agency confirm that the content of the manuscript is unknown and that they shall wait for “the reading the will and testament” before making any decisions. Juan Goytisolo will keep on publishing after death.

The writer, who passed away last Sunday at his house in Marrakech (Morocco), left his literary agent, Carmen Balcells, a manuscript that is to be published posthumously. As the agency founded by the already deceased Balcells informed EuropaPress (EP), the author’s instructions were that the work in question see the light “some time after” his death. The manuscript was delivered in March 2015, but Carmen died soon thereafter, in September of the same year. Sources at the agency have speculated that the time of publication may be between 10 to 20 years from now. However, they have noted that all questions relative to the publication of the work, the content of which is unknown, should be answered in the near future when “the will and testament” of the Barcelonese writer is made known. 

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