The BNE (National Library of Spain) opens a new portal of writers.

The National Library makes a new portal dedicated to writers available to the public. The portal Writers on the BNE is an access point to the work of some of the authors whose production is digitized and accessible in the Hispanic Digital Library. In this space, brief descriptions of these authors will be found, highlighting the most relevant aspects of their life and work.

The ultimate purpose is to facilitate access and give visibility to a part of the digitized works offered by the Library. These signs, developed by the Bibliographic Information Service, are therefore informative, without neglecting the rigor and reliability of the information offered. The structure of the portal allows literates who share certain characteristics through the themes, to be set in groups. Initially, 42 authors are presented with a collection dedicated to those who died in 1936 because of the historical and literary importance of that date for Spain. Among these are Federico García Lorca, Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Ramiro de Maeztu, Pedro Muñoz Seca and Miguel de Unamuno.

Read more in Biblioteca Nacional de España

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