Students of Spanish at any age can benefit from SGEL's broad catalogue

Carlos Barroso, SGEL director, talks to America Reads Spanish about the company's catalog, latest releases and their online teacher resources for Spanish as a second language.

Interview with Carlos Barroso, SGEL director


What are the main areas of Spanish as a Foreign Language that SGEL specializes in?

Inside the broad SGEL catalogue we can find the following areas:

  • General Spanish methods for children, teenagers, young and adult students.
  • Business and Tourism Spanish methods.
  • Supplementary material (grammar, vocabulary, culture and history, skills…)
  • Didactics and resources for teachers.
  • Graduated readings.
  • Literature.
  • Dictionaries.

Which titles of your catalogue would adapt better to the needs of the market in the United States?

  • Superdrago: Method for children from 6 to 11 years old.
  • Compañeros: Method for teenagers from 11 to 15 years old.
  • Español en marcha: Method for teenagers, young and adult students.
  • Nuevo Avance: Method for young and adult students.
  • Agencia ELE: Method for young and adult students.
  • The reader’s collections:,, Literatura hispánica de fácil lectura,,, Aprendo español con cuentos
  • Supplementary material: Aprende gramática y vocabulario, Vocabulario activo e ilustrado, serie Contrastes “Español para hablantes de inglés”.
  • Literature: Literatura española y latinoamericana.

Which are the newest books published?

The last level of the Superdrago collection for children from 6 to 11 years old has just been published, Superdrago 4.

Latitud 0º is an intercultural material covering levels B1-B2 (Upper and higher intermediate) that focuses on texts about heritage, art, traditions, businesses, products, markets, celebrities, mixed races, history, science and society mainly from Latin America.

Profesor con recursos is a collection of four titles: Actividades para pizarras digitales interactivas, ¡Imagínate! Imágenes mentales en la clase de español, Inteligencias múltiples en el aula de español como lengua extranjera y Escritura creativa – Actividades para producir textos significativos en ELE.

What online or Web resources can teachers of Spanish in the United States find in SGEL?

In SGEL´s Web page there is a section called “Aula ELEctrónica” where teachers can register for free and they have access to additional material as a supplement to the student book.

The methods of Español en marchaCompañerosAgencia ELE and Nuevo Avance offer digital software. In order to use it, you just need a computer and a projector. This software includes the digital student book, workbook and all the listenings along with special tools to design new activities.

The new methods offer the teacher´s guide for free on SGEL´s Web page ready to download or print.

The method Agencia ELE has its own Web page which is free and is separated in two sections, one for the teachers and one for the students. Teachers can obtain guides and more materials and students can access plenty of exercises for extra practice on their own developing their self learning abilities.

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