Santillana USA's fiction new releases

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Posar desnuda en La Habana

Wendy Guerra
Posar desnuda en La Habana
(Posing Nude in Havana)


Los barcos se pierden en tierra

Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Los barcos se pierden en tierra
(Ships are Lost Ashore)


ISBN 13: 9786071113085
208pp. | TP | $17.99 | Trim Size: 6" x 9"


In 1922 Anaïs Nin travels to Cuba. The 19-year old is engaged to be married to a rich banker, a union his parents are opposed to. Although only nine entries were actually written in Cuba, after her sojourn in her parents' beloved city Anaïs writes the diary that will make her famous. Using references from this period, Wendy Guerra imagines what Anaïs may have felt on arriving to Cuba. Her misgivings on the idea of marriage, her dreams of becoming a writer living in Paris, and her resolve to live guided only by the cadence of her desire.

ISBN 13: 9788420475059
376pp. | TP | $19.99 | Trim Size: 6" x 9"

BISACFiction / Short Stories

Los barcos se pierden en la tierra gathers the author's finest texts and articles on his greatest passion: the sea. The ocean crashes against the pages lying on the table, white crests of foam tossed by the wind. In this bound voyage the reader can find it all: touching lyrical passages, melancholic harbor scenes, hilarious, rowdy and simmering stories. This now homogenous and powerful squadron offers an illuminating perspective on the life and personality of one of the most renowned contemporary Spanish writers

Escritores delincuentes

José Ovejero
Escritores delincuentes
(Criminal Writers)


El secreto de los Tudor

C. W. Gortner
El secreto de los Tudor
(The Tudor Secret. The Elizabeth I Spymaster Chronicles


ISBN 13: 9788420475080
344pp. | TP | $24.99 | Trim Size: 6" x 9"

BISACFiction / Short Stories

Did Burroughs kill his wife while playing at being William Tell? Was Álvaro Mutis sent to Lecumberri for embezzlement? Was Anne Perry a teenage murderer? I can't claim to be immune to the fascination of outlaws, and maybe this project was initially fueled by a kind of morbid curiosity. These writers were selected not only for their life story but perhaps, more interestingly, for the relationship that exists between it and their work—in the merging of guilt, social injustice, and the possibility of redemption.

ISBN 13: 9788483652497
420pp. | TP | $24.99 | Trim Size: 6" x 9"

BISACFiction / Suspense / Historical

Reared in the household of the powerful Dudley family, orphan Brendan Prescott is brought to court and sent on an illicit mission to the king's brilliant but enigmatic sister, Elizabeth. With only a stable boy and a lady-in-waiting, he plunges into a ruthless gambit of half-truths, lies, and murder. With the period's characteristic intrigue and pomp, El secreto de los Tudor recreates this world from an entirely different perspective: that of a spy who would become the protector of the future queen of England.

Elogio del insomnio

Alberto Ruy Sánchez
Elogio del insomnio
(In praise of insomnia)


Don de gentes

Elvira Lindo 
Don de gentes
(A Way With People)


ISBN 13: 9786071112903
184pp. | TP | $17.99 | Trim Size: 6" x 9"

BISACFiction / Literary / Erotica

Occasionally, nighttime bestows its mysterious smile upon us, yet there are only a few who are awake to notice it. Following five novels that gave birth to a place that celebrates physical pleasures and rituals—centered on the city of Mogador—Alberto Ruy Sánchez has wrought a diverse and surprising path. Written with a diversity of styles, from autobiography to poetry,Elogio al insomnio reveals the fiction of life.

ISBN 13: 9788420475035
368pp. | TP | $24.99 | Trim Size: 6" x 9"

BISACFiction / Language / Art Disciplines / Journalism

Elvira Lindo soars from one coast of the Atlantic to the other. Her observant eyes take everything in—from The Sopranos to Little Women, Serrat to Paul Auster. Guided by a poetic thirst to capture it all, she intuitively reveals what hides behind other people's eyes. There is a constant note in these articles: a woman who faces life without overlooking any of its stages.

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ext. 127 or ext. 130 or fax your order to (305) 591-7473


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