Robert Downey Jr. talks about Don Quixote and other heros with ARS

The star of “Iron Man” is ARS's Amigo del Español this month. In an extensive interview, the actor confesses that although he barely speaks Spanish, he is in love with Don Quixote. Very relaxed, he also talked about the books he is currently reading, how it feels to walk the red carpet and when he will be performing in a small film again.

When asked if it is true he was going to play Don Quixote, Downey Jr. replied: “There are so many characters out there that you never know. But in this case, I must say, I read the book as if it was a true possibility to play that character and I must recognize that I loved the novel. I though it was brilliant, inspirational. Most of the buddy movies are based in Don Quixote. Is a real hero.”

Read the complete interview in our Amigos del Español section.

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