Independent bookshops are fighting back

When big online book retailers are dominating the market, a certain kind of independent bookstores are surviving. They are different, alternative, their secret is to offer highly curated books, reports CBC Books.

“In a world where big online book retailers are killing the smaller stores, a certain kind of independent bookshop is fighting back,” says CBC Books' story. “Some call it alternative, some call it hipsterism, some call it nerdism — it's a highly curated kind of bookstore that delights in the idiosyncrasies and novelties of literature.”

One of those “hipster” bookstore is McNally Jackson in New York. Her owner Sarah McNally carefully selects every book in the store. "It has to find a home somewhere in me or I won't bring it into my store," she said.

The store also prints and binds books on demand and it is known for its community and cultural events, especially Spanish literally events. “I've always thought a bookstore should attempt to be a mirror to its community and in the New York community Spanish is obviously very important," McNally told CBC Books. Read the complete story here.

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