TodoLiteratura Presents the top ten most anticipated books for fall 2020 is a digital magazine specialized in literature: poetry, crime fiction, history, politics, literary reviews, author interviews and much more......

The magazine has selected 10 essential reading books for the next confinement. These titles will help you go through these difficult times.

  1. El saqueo de Roma by Pedro Santamaría - Ediciones Pàmies
  2. Fin de temporada by Ignacio Martínez de Pisón - Seix Barral
  3. No todos los hombres habitan el mundo de la misma manera by Jean-Paul Dubois - Alianza de Novelas
  4. El bosque de los cuatro vientos by María Oruña - Ediciones Destino
  5. Una promesa de juventud by Maria Reig - Suma
  6. La red secreta de Soros en España by Joaquín Abad - Independently published
  7. Todos nosotros by Javier Menéndez Flores - Planeta
  8. Un amor by Sara Mesa - Anagrama
  9. Todos estábamos vivos by Enrique LLamas - Alianza de Novelas
  10. El espejo de nuestras penas by Pierre Lemaitre - Salamandra

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