Two new Spanish bookstores receive the Seal of Quality

The two bookstores that have obtained the seal are: La Farándula de Novelda and La Montaña Mágica in Cartagena.

Two new bokstores have just received the Quality Bookstore Seal, according to an evaluation conducted by the Certification Committee.  One is the Librería La Farándula, in Novelda (Alicante) which has been around for more than thirty years.  The second is La Montaña Mágica, in Cartagena (Murcia), founded in April of 2016.

The 12 bookstores that received this award last December will soon add this distinctive accolade to their credits.  They are Numax and Pedreira from A Coruña; Gaztambide in Madrid; La Pilarica in Valeriano Miranda and 12 de Octubre Streets in Mieres, Asturia; Picasso Bookstore in Reyes Católicos and Avenida de la Estación, Picasso Cómic in Almería, the bookstores Picasso de Granada in Obispo Hurtado, San Marcelino de Champagnac and El Minero and Luz y Vida bookstore in Burgos.

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