Inspired by their love of books, Paginas de Espuma managed to sell almost 700 books during the confinement.

Juan Casamayor, Editor-in-Chief, gives us an express course, where the only fee is the purchase of three books from their catalogs at your favorite bookstore. 200 people answered his call.

Juan Casamayor, Editor-in-Chief, gives us an express course, where the only fee is the purchase of three books from their catalogs at your favorite bookstore.  200 people answered his call.
"When the confinement started we did what other publishers were doing:  set-up Zoom conferences with readers and writers in order to maintain the relationships.  They came out well, but hit a dead end, which did not generate bookstore sales. We wanted to do something which had a symbolic effect, but also for it to be real, to generate sales ..." explained Juan Casamayor, Editor-in-Chief of Paginas de Espuma, along with Encarnacion Molina, main player of the most important literary news during the Book Week.

Last week, Casamayor launched an initiative in order to bring his label out of the slump: "an express editing course," where the only fee was to buy three books from Paginas de Espuma Publishers, with the condition that they were bought at independent bookstores.  The course, scheduled during Book Week, (the first session took place on Monday), was an unexpected success.  Casamayor has had to expand two classes which went over the limit allowed by Zoom, 95 users per session.  In total, bookstores have sold over 700 hundred titles from Paginas de Espuma. 

Read entire article here: El Mundo

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