El Cultural Magazine Presents Spanish fiction 2019: a list of selected titles by the critics

El Cultural is a Spanish weekly publication specialized in cultural news, lyrics, arts, cinema and science. The magazine was founded in 1998 by Luis María Ansón, president at the time of Spanish newspaper "La Razón".

These are some of the titles selected:

Ángel Basanta

1. Nuestra parte de noche, Mariana Enríquez. Anagrama.
2. Lluvia fina, Luis Landero. Tusquets.
3. Juventud de cristal, Luis Mateo Díez. Alfaguara.
4. Una tumba en el aire, Adolfo García Ortega. Galaxia Gutenberg.

Pilar Castro

 Canciones para el recuerdo, Juan Gabriel Vásquez. Alfaguara.
2. Sistema nervioso, Lina Meruane. Random House.
3. Lluvia fina, Luis Landero. Tusquets.
4. La escapada, Gonzalo Hidalgo Bayal. Tusquets.

Read the entire list here: EL CULTURAL


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