Mariana Enriquez wins the Herralde Award with a "monster" novel

“Nuestra parte de noche” (Our Part of the Night) uses the Gothic genre to travel through London from the sixties and Argentina from the following decades.

The romantic and macabre fiction novel by Mariana Enriquez (Buenos Aires, 46 years old), both social and spooky, has been elevated with the Herralde Novel Award. The "monster" novel, “Nuestra parte de noche”, sets out to devour everything, just as the Lovecraftian deity contained within its pages does.

To devour, in reality, everything that its author obsesses over, who has weaved a very special piece of work in which the history of Argentina becomes a dark nightmare fueled by an intense Gothic that owes so much to “Sobre héroes y tumbas” (On Heroes and Graves) by Ernesto Sabato, as well as to “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brönte, and the cursed poet Arthur Rimbaud. It is no wonder that those are the three things which Enriquez herself mentions when asked what her dark and addictive universe is made up of.

Read more here: EL PAÍS


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