Pilar Pallarés, National Poetry Award 2019

The panel has highlighted her work, “Tempo Fósil” (Fossil Time) because it transmits with profound knowledge the sadness for the loss and destruction of experiences lived.”

The Ministry of Culture and Sports has honored Pilar Pallarés with the Premio Nacional de Poesía (National Poetry Award) 2019 for her work,   “Tempo Fósil” (Fossil Time).

The award, which last year went to Antónia Vicens, is gifted with 20,000 Euros. Pilar Pallarés (Culleredo, A Coruña, 1957) who has a Degree in Galician Philology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, works as a professor of Galician literature and also writes articles for different media such as “A nossa terra,” “El País” and “Si scrive”.

Read more: ABC

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