Publisher Daniel Fernández replaces Carme Riera as Cedro President

With over 30 years of professional experience in publishing, he is the head of the Edhasa and Castalia publishing houses.

The Catalan publisher Daniel Fernández has been chosen unanimously to be president of Cedro for four years, replacing the writer Carme Riera, after its General Assembly of associates chose its new Board of Directors.

The new Board will direct its efforts towards defending the interests of writers, translators and publishers, following on from its work based upon achieving a stable regulatory framework to guarantee fair compensation for intellectual property rights and provide legal security in the sector, in line with neighboring countries. Part of its workplan is also to encourage new methods in the fight against digital piracy, increase and improve the services offered to its members, and consolidate a collective management model for authors’ rights which is both transparent and efficient.

Read more here: ABC Cultura

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