Hispanic American writers sign a letter “against literary sexism”

The appeal, in which authors, translators, editors, journalists, and literary agents are participating, arises from a response to the Mario Vargas Llosa Biennial Novel Prize awards in Guadalajara, Mexico.

This Monday, public figures from the Spanish-speaking literary world such as among authors Rosa Montero and Laura Freixas, have released a manifesto that voices their displeasure with “the disparity in gender that governs the majority of cultural and literary events in Latin America”. The appeal is in response to the novel awards, which participants call “an example of systematic exclusion in cultural and literary events in Latin America.” The awards have a jury of four men and one woman, and panels in which 13 men and just three women participate. The authors report that in 2014, invitees to the biannual event were made up of 25 men and six women, and the following year it was reduced to 22 men and eight women.

Read more here: ABC Cultura

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