Supporting the community at Escuela de Guadalupe

In the United States, there are five million people who are learning English. In just Colorado, there are over 100,000 students who can’t speak fluent English.

In Adams 14 in Commerce City, the students are the highest percentage of English-language learners as 48 percent of its students are working to learn English.

In the Lau vs. Nichols case of 1974, the United States Supreme Court ruled that public schools have an obligation to instruct students in their native language. The court argued that failing to teach students in their native language would violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In Denver, there is a school that is working to help those students who know the importance of learning English and Spanish and have a desire to be bilingual. That school, Escuela de Guadalupe, has been part of the Denver community since 1999. Escuela de Guadalupe, located at 660 Julian St., was founded in 1999 as the community recognized a need to fight against high dropout rates and a means to support bilingual education. Since then Escuela de Guadalupe has offered a dual-language education program. 


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